Evangelism comes in many different forms. But, for everyone, it takes intentionality! If we're tuned in, we fish at work, at home, at school, at the store, at McDonalds, on vacation, at the game, in the neighborhood, on the plane- everywhere, anytime, ready and willing, excited to be part of His Mission!
Ultimately, it becomes a lifestyle when we learn how to fish for men. It's non-negotiable in the life of a disciple. Jesus saved us to fish the rest of our lives. "Follow Me and you will become fishers of men." His recruitment statement into Kingdom living was meant to be passed on from generation to generation. Unfortunately, it wasn't, and now we have the opportunity to turn the church around! First we learn to fish and then we help others learn to fish the rest of their lives. If we choose to do that, the revolution begins again. This fuels the fire that changes everything.
Here are the big questions: How and when and where do we fish? We've answered the why. Let me warn you. Too many believers go to school and never actually fish in their real world. Fishing is a lifestyle. Learn to fish. Then fish! Fish all the time. Fish wherever you can. Fish every week, if not everyday. Pastors, fish! Leaders, fish! Disciples, fish! New believers, fish!
Here are some great books and material to help you learn how.
Websites that promote evangelism and sharing your faith.
by Bill Bright
An Easy and Effective Way to Lead
Others to Christ
Material for Evangelism and Sharing your Faith.