As you can see, there are so many different types of ministries for us to learn from. Many of these have made their resources available through their personal websites. Let's explore some of them.
Sonlife, founded by Dan Spader, has pioneered disciplemaking for both youth ministries and the church. It's resources are great!
To be and build disciples of Jesus Christ
Impact Discipleship Ministries, led by Ken Adams, takes its Sonlife foundation and expands it to a whole new levels of insight and strategy.
3d Movements is an international strategy to equip and mobilize local churches into disciplemaking movements.
For women who want to trust and follow Jesus
Discipleship for Women aims at helping women develop a deeper relationship with Jesus and with other women in a small group setting.
The Global Discipleship Initiative trains a strategy of disciplemaking that brings transformation through core groups of three to four disciples.
Replicate, led by Robby Gallaty, offers strategic discipleship plans for you, your home and your church
Here are many of the amazing ministries that are pointing to disciplemaking today. On their site, you will find books, assessments, videos, articles, blogs, and events. Many of them have systems that you can use to implement disciplemaking. Some of them are simple and some of them are more complex. Be careful to match your own people to the right system of disciple making. Sometimes we think our people think and process just like us. Many of them don't. We often have to just do it and learn the hard way, like everyone else.
For disciples, church leaders and networks is an excellent collaborative network of disciplemaking-focused ministries, pointing us to many of the tools and strategies to make disciples.
Creating a culture of disciplemaking that transforms cities.
Legacy Disciple Ministries was started to bring collabrative thinking and strategies to make disciples in the inner city and urban worlds.
The Navigators have had decades to develop and perfect so many strategies and resources for effective disciplemaking.
Radical Mentoring focuses on men, equipping them to be authentic in relationships and helping them overcome the issues that hold them back,
Discipleshift came out of Jim Putnam's passion to see every believer turned into a disciplemaker.
Life-changing power in one-on-one relationships
Small Circle points to deeper levels of relationship, found beyond the group experience, providing the life-changing power of one-to-one relationships.